Starting from GNTEX2, there has been shared development of certain characters, during which characters in the American games were added to the Japanese games and vice versa. Rather than being translations of the original games, these games were adapted and reworked to work on the Wii software, using GNTEX as a framework for the game mechanics. Due to this, GNT3 and 4 were not released to American/European markets, instead being packaged as Clash of Ninja Revolution on the Wii.
However when GNT4 was released, the Nintendo Gamecube was being phased out in favour of the Nintendo Wii. They were generally released two years after their counterparts, in order to match the speed of the dubbed anime episodes. Naruto Clash of Ninja started as being direct translations of the Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen games. Particularly on the Gameboy Advance, DS and Wii.
Particularly on the Gameboy Advance, DS and As a Naruto fan, I have had the opportunity to play a variety of games on various games consoles. As a Naruto fan, I have had the opportunity to play a variety of games on various games consoles.